Saturday, July 28, 2012

Doing the necessary: Top 10

So.. When Summer is being the bitch that she is lately, standing you up like usual, there are only so many things you can do to get even. Just think... You would've never had the time to do ALL THIS in one day, had today been a day of sunshine and outdoors fun:  

1. Watch 90's teen shows in your zebra sweatpants 

2. Read every issue of CODE and deciding on your personal style.. if you were a man.

3. Paint your nails. With glitter that wont come off. Like EVER.

4. Listen to Fleetwood Mac Landslide on repeat. In your old chair. Feeling good about not wearing make-up
(And then regret it when you see the picture)

5. Let the cat lick your nose

6. Re-frame all your pictures 

7. Wonder why you need all this stuff. And wonder if you should expand your bathroom so you can fit in more.

8. Pick flowers from the garden and pretend Robert Pattinson gave them to you.

9. Figure out how to make rice taste better

10. Work out. (Well.. that was a lie)


  1. Leuk! Ik moet mijn glitterlakje ook weer eens pakken!

  2. Oh wow! So WOWnderful photos!!! :)

  3. Glitter that won't come off like ever is correct, lol...that nail polish is sooo hard to come off, but I still love it. Xo


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